The Fifth Belgrade International Open Access Conference 2012 is designed and is being prepared as a truly international event. The aim of the conference is to explore state of the art of journal publishing in developing and transition countries in order to understand the best strategies and practices for their development. The aim is also to analyse applicability of up-to-date technologies in "small" journal publishing. We assumed that Belgrade is the right place to mix and match different and distant players having their say on the subject. We intend to bring about scholars from developed and developing world, world experts and local enthusiasts, big publishers and small journals editors to confront their views on this important issue.
Why to come
Attractive keynote speakers
- The Organizing Committee is on its way to secure first-class world experts as keynote lecturers. Their names will be announced soon.
Quality presentations
- The conference reviewing body is provided with efficient advanced technologies to secure excellent quality of presentations both by rigorous selection and by assisting authors to improve their manuscripts.
Leading database publishers
- We called representatives of the top world database publishers and aggregators shaping decisively the ambiance of journals international recognition to present their seeing of the role of OA local/regional journals and the treatment of such journals in their actual and future services.
- We expect a record number of attenders from all around the world and especially from South East Europe. It is our ambition to help them establishing contacts leading to cooperation. The conference programme itself is set up to provoke interactions. Additionally, in order to maximize opportunities for partnering, we provided registered attendants with a high-quality networking software integrated with a database of their research profiles.
Practicalities and pleasure
- We did our best to ensure lowest possible conference fee, as well as reasonable and comfortable accommodation, including possibilities to extend stay at discount conference rate. We are confident that you will enjoy your stay at the conference. Belgrade has lately established itself as a hot tourist destination. In May it can offer the best of its opportunities for cultural life, shopping, and entertaining.
This year conference will be focused on journals published in developing and transition countries (DTC): their editing, impact, quality, evaluation and dissemination. Most of them are, or willing to be Open Access, and are striving for international compatibility, excellence, and recognition. The Organizing Committee is encouraging invited speakers and presentation authors to provide their experiences, results, technologies, and strategies that can help such journals in achieving their goals. "Bringing sideroad journals to the lights of high street science" was selected to be the slogan of this year conference.
Who to attend
The conference is equally open to the researchers, professionals, OA activists, teachers and students of various profiles, including journal editors and publishers, science managers and administrators, research evaluators, librarians, and information systems developers.
We especially welcome guests from South-East Europe. They will have an opportunity to attend the Start-up Meeting of South East European Research Integrity and Integration Society (SEERIIuS) to be held as a part of conference.
Important links:
Important dates:
| February 25, 2012 |
| February 29, 2012 |
| March 10, 2012 |
| March 25, 2012 |
| April 5, 2012 |
| April 15, 2012 |
| April 20, 2012 |
| April 30, 2012 |
| May 10, 2012 |
| May 17, 2012 |
| May 18, 2012 |